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RAK Police seize more than 1,000 boxes of illegal fireworks

Police in Ras Al Khaimah have arrested a man who was found to have more than 18 tonnes of illegal fireworks at his farm.
Almost 1,040 boxes of fireworks, which he is suspected of intending to sell, were discovered on his property, police said on social media.
وزن المضبوطات 18.5 طنشرطة رأس الخيمة تضبط تاجر ومروّج مفرقعات وألعاب ناريّة
Gen Ali Al Nayimi, commander in chief of Ras Al Khaimah Police, said the force responded to a tip-off that black market fireworks were being sold from the farm.
“A team was formed to monitor the suspect’s activity, where it turned out that he was hoarding large amounts of fireworks on a farm located behind the house intended for illegal trade, and immediately authorities were able to access the site and set up the prohibited material,” said a statement from Ras Al Khaimah Police on Facebook.
Gen Al Nayimi urged the public to be cautious to the dangers posed by buying and using illegal fireworks.
The risks, he said, were especially high when children play with fireworks as they could endanger themselves and the safety of the entire community.
Dangers around the use of illegal pyrotechnics increases during annual celebrations, such as the coming Eid Al Fitr.
